Finding confidence in spending
Role: Visual Lead, UX Researcher
Brief: A psychological needs-driven experience design
Target Audience: 15-24 year olds who struggle to maintain a budget and fail develop healthy spending habits.
Applications: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimension
Compulsive buying is cyclical in nature and correlated to self-esteem.
How can we alleviate compulsive buying and improve self-esteem for users by providing education about conscious spending and personal financing?
How do we fix this?
We looked at a step of this cycle to find possible solutions. Before the users feel guilty from overspending, we would restrict the excessive spending, meaning, you can maintain the high self-esteem as is without having to go through all the unhealthy and unnecessary habits.
A platform where users consciously track and spend money.
Goal alleviates impulsive buying through setting financial goals, streamlining your overall transaction history by visualizing purchases in categories, creating wishlist items you want, and finalizing the purchases only after your allotted time limit restriction is over.